Hey folks, wanted to talk about a thing I’m doing that will likely be Lights Out Games next game.
I released Rampage for the second No Video Jam. It was well-received despite its flaws, so I thought I’d build it into something better and am attempting at least bi-weekly devlogs. The first is here. I don’t know if I’ll always post about them here, but since this is my first, I figured it warranted the boost.
As mentioned in the post, I’d like to start using OpenAL’s more advanced audio effect processing to clean up the sometimes messy and misleading soundscapes. Does anyone have experience with those? I don’t just mean slapping reverb on sounds and calling it a day, but apparently you can pan reverbs in nearby rooms toward open doorways between them. I think I conceptually understand how to model that in terms of OpenAL’s API, but if I can avoid going down the particular rabbit hole of understanding how wrongly I got it, then that’d be a win.